DNA extraction is performed using the QIAamp PowerFecal Pro DNA Kit and Illumina compatible libraries are generated using the QIAseq FX Library Kit. Sequencing runs are performed on the Illumina NextSeq 2000 platform in the MMF using the 2×150 Paired End reads cassette. Shotgun samples are taxonomically profiled using Kraken2 while deep shotgun sequencing can be assembled into metagenomic contigs using metaSPADES and annotated using prokka upon request. Metagenomic contigs may also be taxonomically identified using Kraken2. We can also help quantify abundances of genes of interest using diamond, bowtie2, and/or shortBRED. We recognize that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ analysis approach for shotgun metagenomics and are open to tailoring analyses to better fit with the goals of your project. We offer Shallow and Deep shotgun sequencing services.
Shallow shotgun sequencing to generates greater than 5 million reads per sample.
Deep shotgun sequencing to generate greater than 20 million reads per sample.
Both services include DNA extraction, Illumina library preparation, and Illumina sequencing. Also included is basic data analysis: pipeline running, assembling contigs, functional annotation, and bacteria abundance bar plot.