Microbiome Metagenomics Facility

Sample Submission

All sample submissions will be sent to and reviewed by the DFI Metagenomics Director, Anitha Sundararajan, PhD.  Refer to "Useful Information" below for information on submission requirements and instructions, how to set up a LabLink account, and where to drop off samples.

First time submitters:  To ensure high-quality data collection and reporting, contact Anitha Sundararajan before collecting samples and designing/conducting experiments.

For issues with LabLink, contact Shannon Hocker.

  • Human Stool Samples:
    • Samples must be freshly obtained and stored at 4°C for less than 24 hours before transferring to a -80°C freezer
    • Recommended sample amount: approx. 250mg
  • Mouse Fecal:
    • Samples must be collected fresh (not from mouse bedding) and stored at -80°C until submission
    • Recommended sample amount: 1-2 pellets
  • Mouse Cecal:
    • Samples must be collected appropriately and stored at -80°C until submission
    • No recommended sample amount
  • Bacterial Isolates:
    • Centrifuged pellets must be stored at -80°C until submission
    • No recommended sample amount
    • For transcriptomics, bacterial pellets must be flash-frozen and stored at -80°C until submission
  • Other:
    • Please discuss with Anitha Sundararajan before submission
  1. Log into LabLink . (If you do not have a LabLink account, you need to create one. Please see instructions in accordion menu item below)
  2. Go to the “Resource Materials” tab.
  3. Download and fill out the template for the service you are requesting. (Note: WGS and Shotgun templates are the same. 16S and qPCR templates are the same.)
    1. You must fill out the template first or you will not be able to submit your project.
    2. DO NOT add any COLUMNS, COMMAS, or DASHES, or your submission will not go through.
    3. Match the sample ID that is written on the labeled tubes being submitted.
    4. Sample IDs have a character limit of 10.
  4. Save your template.
  5. Go back to LabLink, making sure you are on the “Projects” tab.
  6. Press the “Create” button in the top right corner.
  7. Fill out the required fields, then press “Continue”.
  8. Press the “Browse Document” button and select your completed template from step 4.
  9. Skip the “Upload Additional Documents” step.
  10. Review all details of your project, then check all boxes in the disclaimer at the bottom of the form. Press “Submit Project” when you are ready.
  1. Go to the LabLink page.
  2. Click “Request for a User ID”.
  3. Fill out all required fields on the form and press “Request User ID”.

You will receive an email notification when your ID request has been approved, usually within 24 hours. Once you receive approval notification, you can submit your project.

Samples should be dropped off at KCBD 4th Floor, 900 E 57th Street, Chicago IL 60637. As you get off the elevator and exit the elevator bank, turn left, then left at the first door.  There are signs posted.

The sample submission freezer, pictured above, is located next to the service elevator.  Place your submission on one of the top 3 shelves.